What it is
This is a suite comprised of static, streaming and fundamental providers for Wealth-Lab for free daily data by QuoteMedia. It's possible to download the data for U.S. and overseas stocks, indexes, funds,
futures, options, Forex, cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin = $BTCUSD) and more. Historical data requests return up to 50 years. For QuoteMedia symbology and symbol lookup, please visit these pages:
Market Manager.
Splits and Dividends
Starting from v2020.03, provider returns split- and dividend-adjusted data by default which you can unadjust on-the-fly using the new Data Manager tab:
 Data Manager tab |
Splits and dividends are also available for plotting on the chart and accessing via standard WealthScript methods:
 Data Manager tab |
Keep in mind that to maintain your data in good shape after a split or dividend occurs in one of your the stocks in your DataSet, do the following:
- For one symbol, right click on the chart and choose "Reload chart history"
- To reload the DataSet from scratch, use the Data Tool's "Remove all data" feature and then update the DataSet
Also from version 2020.03 and up, returns the unadjusted OHLC as NamedSeries:
var unadjOpen = Bars.FindNamedSeries("UnadjustedOpen");
var unadjHigh = Bars.FindNamedSeries("UnadjustedHigh");
var unadjLow = Bars.FindNamedSeries("UnadjustedLow");
var unadjClose = Bars.FindNamedSeries("UnadjustedClose");
var p = CreatePane(30, true, true);
PlotSyntheticSymbol(p, Bars.Symbol, unadjOpen, unadjHigh, unadjLow, unadjClose, Bars.Volume, Color.Green, Color.Red);
Options (and other symbols with spaces)
- To enter valid symbols containing spaces such as options e.g. @AAPL 200207C00312500, wrap them in double quotes i.e. "@@AAPL 200207C00312500". Applies both to creation of new DataSets and to modification of existing DataSets (via the "Symbols" list and/or via "Add symbols to the DataSet")
- Note: When manually adding a new symbol with spaces in the Data Manager's "Symbols" list to a DataSet already containing symbol(s) with space(s), you should wrap each symbol containing space(s) in double quotes, again.
- For options symbols, the number of spaces between the two parts of the ticker can vary! Make sure to enter the symbol exactly as found on the QuoteMedia site, preserving all the spaces.
Known issues
- Downloaded data may have various errors (Close > High etc). The data feed is to blame. You can fix this using our Data Tool's "Data Cleaner" feature.
- Weekend trading is missing from the data of cryptocurrencies (like Bitcoin). The data feed is to blame.