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This search, performed through 4.04 MB (775 documents, 11955 words), completed in 0.5 seconds and yielded 10 results.

Copy to Clipboard — 40.9%

[...] public static void CopyObject( object ob) Parameter Description text A string to be copied to clipboard obj Value of type object to be copied to clipboard Description Although .NET has support for copying to clipboard, making it from Wealth-Lab would be pretty tricky. For your convenience, CopyText is a simple static method for copying a text string to Windows clipboard. Its companion method CopyObject was designed to copy any data (not just text) as type object . [...]

Wealth-Lab 6 Open Issues — 9.1%

[...] Workaround: Save affected workspace to a new name, delete the old one. (8125) Exception: Requested Clipboard operation did not succeed Quite frequently, after copying text in the Editor (Ctrl+C), the following exception occurs. Suggestion: Do not use Wealth-Lab Editor in parallel with an active remote desktop session e.g. RDP/VNC and/or any 3rd party utility/software monitoring for clipboard [...]

Snapshots — 9.1%

[...] strategy. From right-click menu, you can delete one or all snapshots by the strategy, copy code to clipboard, or open this document. Strategy Code This tab shows saved strategy code. For your convenience, it highlights keywords like the built-in Editor. Code snapshot Code is saved only for code- and rule-based strategies; Combination strategies and compiled Strategy libraries are not supported. Code Compare Code revisions can easily be compared after selecting different versions from Version dropdowns. Detected changes are highlighted with green/red stripes. [...]

General | Activating Wealth-Lab Developer — 9.1%

[...] verify the data and try again. Should the error persist, click the blue link to "Copy error details to clipboard" and enter this information in a Support ticket at www.wealth-lab.com . Near the end of the 30-day trial period, you'll receive a message with the days remaining in the trial period. Once the trial ends, you must purchase an Activation key to continue to use Wealth-Lab. Activation Key After purchasing Wealth-Lab, you'll receive your Activation Key via email. Important! Add @wealth-lab.com to your email client's (e.g. Outlook) "Safe Senders" list. If [...]

Errors | Extensions, Other errors — 9.1%

[...] ensure it's applied correctly. Charting problems Error message on a chart and/or copying chart to clipboard Problem: You get an error in a Strategy window or chart or when copying chart to clipboard, [...]

Trades+: Open/All trade lists with Priority and Multi-Column Sort — 4.5%

[...] trade - like in a broker's statement. Exporting performance results to text file and copying them to Clipboard - from right-click context menu. Known issues [...]

FAQ | Position Sizing, Extensions, Miscellaneous — 4.5%

[...] sorting (notice ListViewSortManager in the PVTrades2 constructor). GenerateOutput is used for copying to clipboard, so you should skip this method for now. Now, [...]

Errors | Strategy — 4.5%

[...] Solution: Close TeamViewer. On a related note, Skype's Click To Call function is known to interfere with clipboard at least with MS Office programs, so be sure [...]

Particle Swarm Optimizer — 4.5%

[...] “Progress Log” and “Progress Graph” tabs. Progress Tab Note that the progress tab has a “Copy To Clipboard” button. Fitness Graph Tab A graphical [...]

Portfolio Inspector — 4.5%

[...] in red . The contents of By Instrument, By Position, By Strategy and Trades tabs can be copied to clipboard if you right click and select the option from [...]

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