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Inflation economic data provider


What is it

This is an economic data provider for Wealth-Lab version 6 and up that downloads free inflation statistics from the StatBureau web site. Part of MS123 Extra Fundamental/News Providers extension.


Economic (a.k.a. non-symbol fundamental) data downloads are available when you click "Update all data..." Economic items are global by nature and don't belong to a symbol. Make sure you've selected "Inflation" from the list of installed providers in the Data Manager > "Update Data".

When using the fundamental series in a WealthScript Strategy, double check that you're not peeking into the future. While the inflation numbers typically are released next month, the data provider timestamps the data items as of the month they belong to, not with actual release date (which is unknown). The following example code calls FundamentalDataSeries with an optional parameter called offset to avoid peeking into the future:

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Drawing; using WealthLab; using WealthLab.Indicators;

namespace WealthLab.Strategies { public class MyStrategy : WealthScript { protected override void Execute() { //This series is already offset and can be used in Strategies w/o peeking DataSeries e = FundamentalDataSeries("inflation eurozone",1); ChartPane paneInflation = CreatePane(40,true,true); PlotSeries(paneInflation,e,Color.Blue,LineStyle.Histogram,5);

//This raw series is for plotting only; can not be used in backtesting w/o a shift ChartPane paneInflationRaw = CreatePane(40,true,true); PlotFundamentalItems(paneInflationRaw,"inflation eurozone",Color.Red,LineStyle.Solid,1); } } }

Available economic items

Supported items are:

  • "inflation united-states", "inflation european-union", "inflation eurozone", "inflation belarus", "inflation brazil", "inflation canada", "inflation france", "inflation germany", "inflation greece", "inflation india", "inflation japan", "inflation kazakhstan", "inflation mexico", "inflation russia", "inflation spain", "inflation turkey", "inflation united-kingdom", "inflation ukraine",

Fundamental items can be charted from the Fundamental Data dialog at any time by clicking the Fundamentals button in the Navigation or Function toolbars, from the Tools menu, a chart's right-click menu, or simply using the Ctrl+U shortcut.


  • The data are refreshed on each update (like other WL6 fundamental data providers do), so it should be free from adjusting problems.


Below you can find a screenshot of the provider at work:

Some of the available inflation items

Some of the available inflation items

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