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This search, performed through 4.04 MB (775 documents, 11955 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 2 results.

TASC 2015-05 | Filtering Price Movement (Siligardos) — 51.4%

[...] “Perceptually Important Points” (PIPs) method in a script study that uses a recursive call to find the PIP having the maximum absolute value of the vertical distance from the line connecting two PIPs previously found. The price movement plot is based on a user-specified percentage. As suggested by the article, for a DataSeries plotted in the arithmetic scale the minimum vertical distance required to find a PIP is the percentage of the DataSeries’ entire range, whereas a fixed vertical distance in a log plot is inherently represented equally [...]

Data | Working with Forex in Wealth-Lab — 48.6%

[...] simulation of leverage and margin requirements. Definitions Let's start with some forex terminology: Pip: Pip is an acronym for Percentage In Point and is the smallest amount a forex price can change. For most major forex pairs (EUR/USD, USD/GBP, etc.) a Pip is 0.0001, but the USD/JPY Pip is 0.01, for example. For other currency crosses, Pips can vary from can vary from 0 to 0.0000001, as for the JPY base currency (JPY/other). Fractional Pip: Forex [...]

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