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This search, performed through 4.04 MB (775 documents, 11955 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 30 results.

Database static and streaming provider — 6.4%

[...] relevant page of the connectionstrings.com site. Your connection string should include a database name. Your connection string must not include curly braces i.e. { } A rule of thumb is to first type in a connection string and only then proceed with selecting a provider. When you're finished with this step, the provider will populate the Table name dropdown box with the list of tables found. Select the one you need to make the provider fill the other boxes with available fields. Upon defining a field to serve as Security Name [...]

FAQ | Position Sizing, Extensions, Miscellaneous — 3.7%

[...] producing an error message that looks as follows: error CS1704 @ (0.0): An assembly with the same simple name "TASCIndicators, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=nul In addition, if you were trying to update an Indicator Library, a common symptom is to see two related Indicator groups (folders) in the Indicator List window. Solution : This is the result of copying the assembly (DLL) in a wrong way, for example: If the new file has a name different from the original library (e.g. you are copying TASCIndicators.dll as TASCIndicators1.dll [...]

API | Creating Static Data Providers for Wealth-Lab 6 — 3.7%

[...] information about the data provider you are supporting. public abstract string FriendlyName Return the "name" of the data provider that you are supporting. This name appears in the New DataSet Wizard list of available data providers. public abstract string Description Return a string describing the data provider. This appears when the user clicks your data adapter in a list. public abstract Bitmap Glyph Return a 16x16 bitmap representing the data provider. Use Fuchsia as the transparent color of your bitmap. public abstract virtual [...]

Errors | Strategy — 3.7%

[...] Folder Options), locate the StrategyMonitorConfiguration.xml file and delete it: \Users\ Windows User Name \AppData\Roaming\Fidelity Investments\WealthLabDev\\Data Problem: Strategy Monitor doesn't work, producing an unhandled exception window when trying to open its window or add a strategy on 1-10 minute bar intervals: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at WealthLabPro.StrategyCenterForm.a(StrategyCenterItem A_0, Boolean A_1) ... Solution: You have not selected a Streaming provider in Wealth-Lab's [...]

Programming | Preparing an Extension for publishing — 3.2%

[...] indicators. Addin - Everything that doesn't fall into categories above. StrongName - Extension's Strong name which will clearly identify it. We recommend using a dual word string: MyShortNameExtension MyShortNameCompany For example: "Yahoo WMS". DisplayName - Under this title the Extension will appear in the Extension Manager and on the website's Extensions section. Description - A short description of the Extension. Version - Version of Extension. Enclose a usual numerical sequence in quotes - "x.x.x.x" (e.g. ) Publisher - Your company name. [...]

IQFeed Streaming, Static, and Fundamental Data Provider — 3.2%

[...] !important;}.tg-wrap {overflow-x: auto;-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;}} Index (6.1) Field Name Return Type Description of field 0 F string The character F, indicating a fundamental data message 1 Symbol string The Symbol ID to match with watch request 2 Exchange ID int This is the Exchange Group ID. Converted from hex to decimal - use the Listed Markets lookup to decode this value. 3 PE double Price/Earnings ratio 4 Average Volume int Average daily volume in 1000's of shares (4 week average) 5 52 Week High [...]

FindSymbols — 3.2%

[...] , List< string >> FindSymbols( string symbols) Parameter Description symbols Symbol name (or a list of symbols) to find Description Sometimes, you need to know which DataSet(s) contain some particular symbol name(s). This function lets you find DataSets which include a given symbol. Passing a list of symbols is also supported. When passing multiple symbol names, separate them with one of these characters: comma (','), semicolon (';'), or space (' '). (Consequently, space couldn't be a part of the symbol name.) [...]

Wealth-Lab 6 Open Issues — 2.7%

[...] users with multiple monitors (applies to Wealth-Lab 6.9) Workaround: Save affected workspace to a new name, delete the old one. (8125) Exception: Requested Clipboard operation did not succeed Quite frequently, after copying text in the Editor (Ctrl+C), the following exception occurs. Suggestion: Do not use Wealth-Lab Editor in parallel with an active remote desktop session e.g. RDP/VNC and/or any 3rd party utility/software monitoring for clipboard activity in the background (e.g. Notepad++ with MultiClipboard plugin, KeePass with TCATO activated). Crash upon playing [...]

Contribution pie chart — 2.7%

[...] total profit or loss in multi-symbol backtests: On a per instrument basis (default) By entry signal name By exit signal name By calendar month By average % P/L per bar By position type (long/short) To switch views, choose from the "Group by" dropdown box: Contribution Chart title will display "profit"/"loss" depending on portfolio outcome. Largest winner/loser is highlighted by displacing its segment. If the number of portfolio winners/losers exceeds a certain threshold, those symbols that fall off "Top-N" will get their results [...]

Wealth-Lab Wiki Page Editing — 2.7%

[...] and Open Source libraries. If you create a new Page, please follow these naming instructions for Page Name and Page Title fields: Page Name is used in the url of the wiki page. It should be short and concise (no spaces please!) and must be unique. Indicators - Use the Indicator's Class Name or an abbreviation of it (e.g. TEMA) Other Open Source pages - Use the class and/or method name. (e.g. AlertByEmail) KnowledgeBase - begin with "kb". (e.g. kbSizingEffects) Page Title Indicators [...]

TASC 2019-09 | A Simple Way To Trade Seasonality (Kaufman) — 2.3%

[...] Chart(); //Histogram chart chart.BackColor = Color.Transparent; chart.Width = 500; string name = "Bins" ; chart.ChartAreas.Add(name); chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.MajorGrid.Enabled = chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.MajorGrid.Enabled = false ; chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Title = "Month" ; //Custom axis titles chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Title = "Frequency of Positive Returns" ; chart.ChartAreas[0].BackColor = Color.Transparent; chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Minimum = 0; chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Maximum = 100; chart.Series.Add(

TASC 2018-10 | Probability - Probably A Good Thing To Know (Ehlers) — 2.3%

[...] 1; } } Chart chart = new Chart(); //Histogram chart chart.Width = 600; string name = "Bins" ; chart.ChartAreas.Add(name); chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.MajorGrid.Enabled = chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.MajorGrid.Enabled = false ; chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Title = "Deviation" ; //Custom axis titles chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Title = "Occurences" ; chart.Series.Add(name); chart.Series[

Errors | Extensions, Other errors — 2.3%

[...] Error --------------------------- Error when identifying Extension download URIs. Strong Name: NeuroLab..., Error The request failed with HTTP status 417: Expectation Failed. --------------------------- URI Error --------------------------- Error when identifying Extension download URIs. Strong Name: ..., Error [...]

Errors | Data — 2.3%

[...] file visibility is enabled), delete the file AsciiConfig.xml and start Wealth-Lab: C:\Users\ Your User Name \AppData\Roaming\ WealthLabPro or WealthLabDev \\Data\ Incorrect number of fields or incorrect fields separator Symptoms: You are not able to parse your data because the parser throws an exception: "Incorrect number of fields or incorrect fields separator". You are sure that the selected data format is correct. Solution: Of course, this usually happens when selected format options were incorrect, but there's one special case you should know. It happens [...]

Wealth-Lab Open Source Home — 2.3%

[...] subcomponent should contain only one public method. The wiki page must contain (see example): "Create" Page Name - A concise and unique name for the wiki page - no white spaces please! This is [...]

Programming | How can I debug my trading strategies in Wealth-Lab? — 1.8%

[...] the StrategyHelpers that it contains, and uses them to determine what Strategies to display and load. Name the helper class the same name as your Strategy's class name, with the word "Helper" appended. Use code completion to provide stubs for the required properties. The Strategy Helper class returns properties that describe details about the Strategy that are needed by Wealth-Lab. Implement the properties in the code of your helper class. For the Guid property, return a Guid object after generating a new Guid [...]

WealthScript Techniques | Trading with Trendlines in the Strategy Monitor — 1.8%

[...] Monitor. Solution Here's Robert Sucher's 2-script solution : Compile the first script. Draw a Trendline Name the Trendline Resistance Click "Go" (or hit F5) to write the TL Resistance data to the file. (*This step is imperative!) Then you only have to run the second script on the same symbol in the same scale. Script 2 will re-calculate the new value each day. Also, if you delete or change the position of the Trendline, you need to click "Go" again to remove/change the data for the Resistance Trendline in the file. Code Script 1: Write Trendline Data to a file After [...]

Errors | General — 1.8%

[...] folder. Enable hidden file visibility if required: How to show hidden files in Windows . The folder name may read different if you're a user of localized Windows (e.g. C:\Benutzer in German Windows). C:\Users\ Windows User Name \AppData\Roaming\Fidelity Investments\WealthLabDev\\Data\ In \Data\Workspaces, rename the Default.ws file if it exists. Start WLD. Did it help? -> Zip and attached the Default.ws file to the ticket. (If you used both 32 and 64-bit versions and have installed extensions for one version and not the other, the [...]

DDE streaming provider for Excel/OpenOffice — 1.8%

[...] OpenOffice, type in soffice . Note: without quotes or any other extra symbols. Specify so called "Topic" name which in this case is the path to the XLS/ODS spreadsheet by navigating to the file using the dialog box or typing in the complete path to the file. Finally, set up Aliases . For example, if Bid quotes of Euro are flowing into the cell "C6" of your Sheet1 , create a line with any valid symbol name such as EUR as the Topic, Sheet1 as the Sheet, and C6 as the Cell. [...]

BBFree static/streaming Daily data provider — 1.8%

[...] names for new symbols only to reduce update time. You can change this behavior: to update each company name along with data requests, follow this one-time procedure: Make sure the provider has been updated to 2010.07 or above in Extension Manager and Wealth-Lab has been restarted Enable hidden file/folder visibility in Windows (Folder Options) Navigate to Wealth-Lab's user data directory: Windows XP:C:\Documents and Settings\Windows User Name\Application Data\Fidelity Investments\WealthLabDev\\Data\ Windows 7/Vista:C:\Users\Windows [...]

General | Activating Wealth-Lab Developer — 1.8%

[...] 2008-06-11T15:49:48.5625000Z Command Line: "C:\Program Files\MS123\Wealth-Lab Developer 6\WealthLabDev.exe" Product Name: Wealth-Lab Developer 6 Version: Auth Mode: FirstStart User Name: Dorothy Password: thisismypw In most cases, your trial period will have just begun. If an error occurs, (e.g., "Incorrect username or password"), you can return to previous page to verify the data and try again. Should the error persist, click the blue link to "Copy error details to clipboard" and enter this information in a Support ticket at www.wealth-lab.com [...]

Import real (historical) trades — 1.8%

[...] Starting from v2018.07, trade size is exported and optional parameter supports filtering trades by account name (see code below for an example). Import NinjaTrader trade log files The SimTradeFile_NT method, added in version 2011.02, allows to import historical trade log files (CSV format) produced by NinjaTrader 7. If the format was not specified when calling the method, it defaults to M/d/yyyy H:mm:ss tt . Here is a fragment illustrating the file format: Trade-#,Instrument,Account,Strategy,Market pos.,Quantity,Entry price,Exit price,Entry time,Exit time,Entry name,Exit [...]

Wealth-Lab Version 6 (.NET) Development Guide — 1.4%

[...] Since Wealth-Lab loads broker providers in alphabetical order, make your own broker provider's assembly name (class name) the first so [...]

Errors | Extensions — 1.4%

[...] Error --------------------------- Error when identifying Extension download URIs. Strong Name: NeuroLab..., Error The request failed with HTTP status 417: Expectation Failed. --------------------------- URI Error --------------------------- Error when identifying Extension download URIs. Strong Name: ..., Error [...]

Programming | Wealth-Lab 6.x API Changes — 1.4%

[...] null ) { foreach (Form form in Application.OpenForms) { if (form.Name == "MainForm" ) { _frmMain = form; } } } } /// <summary> /// Menu item click handler /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> [...]

Programming | How to Create a Custom Optimizer in Visual Studio — 1.4%

[...] Administrator) Click on File > New > Project > Windows Desktop > Class Library Change the Name to Example Optimizer and click OK In Solution Explorer, click on Example Optimizer Click on Project > Build > Output > Browse and navigate to main Wealth-Lab folder under Program Files ( C:\Program Files\MS123\Wealth-Lab Developer 6\ ) and click Open Click on Debug and click on Start external program Click on ... and navigate to the folder above and click Select Folder In Solution Explorer, right click on Class1.cs > Rename and change it to ExampleOptimizer [...]

GetDataSource — 1.4%

[...] GetDataSource( int barInterval, string staticProviderString) Parameter Description dataSetName Name of the DataSet associated with the DataSource to be returned barInterval Bar Interval of the DataStore staticProviderString Name of the Static Provider Description GetDataSource is a Utility class function that returns the current DataSource object or the one that will by identified by the specified parameters. GetDataSource is used by the PositionHelper class in order to facilitate locating the WL data files, which are read [...]

Data | Data Tool — 1.4%

[...] two purposes: Change symbol : renames a single highlighted symbol. Simply type in the new symbol name and hit "Enter". Both the symbol name and its data file [...]

GetDataSetName — 1.4%

[...] Parameter Description obj An instance of the WealthScript object Description Returns DataSet name the strategy is being executed upon. Works in Strategy windows, does not work in Strategy Monitor or Combination Strategies. Background: Wealth-Lab 6 doesn't include a WatchListName equivalent function, used in WL4 to return WatchList name containing the symbol that was clicked to execute the script. This function is slightly different, however, because it takes current strategy window into account when determining the DataSetName, [...]

NNIndicator for Neuro-Lab — 0.9%

[...] networkName) Parameter Description ds The source Bars object networkName The name of a trained neural network. Description The NNIndicator is used in conjunction with the Neuro-Lab Extension product. Upon installing Neuro-Lab, the NNIndicator will appear in list of Technical Indicators in the Neuro-Lab Indicator folder. The NNIndicator takes two parameters - a Bars object and the string name [...]

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