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This search, performed through 4.04 MB (775 documents, 11955 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 7 results.

WealthScript Techniques | Trading with Trendlines in the Strategy Monitor — 25.0%

[...] "Resistance" ; int b1 = Bars .Count - 10; double st1 = TrendlineValue( b1, TLName ); int b2 = Bars .Count - 5; double st2 = TrendlineValue( b2, TLName ); double slope = (st2 - st1) / (b2 - b1); string key = String.Format( "{0},{1},{2},{3}" , Bars .Symbol, Bars .Scale, Bars .BarInterval, TLName); string s = key + String.Format( ",{0},{1},{2}" , Date [b2]. ToString ( "yyyyMMdd" ), st2, slope); string path = Path.Combine(Application.UserAppDataPath, [...]

TASC 2009-07 | Tr&nd Stop (Vervoort) — 21.4%

[...] support[bar] = b. Low [bar]; for ( int bar = period; bar < b.Count; bar++) { double b2 = b. Low [bar-2]; double prev = trends[bar-1]; if ( (b. Low [bar] >= b2) && [...]

TASC 2011-11 | Put/Call Ratio Indicators (Vervoort) — 10.7%

[...] Brunet) public DataSeries TransformSeries( DataSeries ds, double a1, double a2, double b1, double b2) { string sName = ds.Description + "(No Scale)" ; if (Math.Abs(a1 - a2) > 0.00001) { double a = (b1 - b2) [...]

TASC 2011-03 | Three-Bar Inside Bar Pattern (Prathap) — 10.7%

[...] hi; lo = Low [n] < lo ? Low [n] : lo; } } int b1 = bar - patternBars; int b2 = Math.Min(bar + 1, Bars .Count - 1); DrawPolygon ( PricePane , color, color, LineStyle.Invisible, 1, true , b1, [...]

TASC 2011-12 | Stoch IFT Strategy (Vervoort) — 10.7%

[...] Brunet) public DataSeries TransformSeries( DataSeries ds, double a1, double a2, double b1, double b2) { string sName = ds.Description + "(No Scale)" ; if (Math.Abs(a1 - a2) > 0.00001) { double a = (b1 - b2) [...]

TASC 2014-12 | Detecting Flags In Intraday Charts (Katsanos) — 10.7%

[...] paramFlagHeight; private StrategyParameter paramProfitTarget; void DrawRectangle( int b1, int b2, double p1, double p2, Color c) { double [] rect = { b1, p1, b1, [...]

TASC 2017-07 | Trading The Nikkei (Katsanos) — 10.7%

[...] = Correlation.Series(RS1,RS3,DIVDAYS); //var pop = StdDevCalculation.Population; //var b2=CR2*StdDev.Series(RS1,DIVDAYS,pop)/(StdDev.Series(RS2,DIVDAYS,pop)+0.001); //var a2=SMA.Series(RS1,DIVDAYS)-b2*SMA.Series(RS2,DIVDAYS); [...]

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