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This search, performed through 4.04 MB (775 documents, 11955 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 7 results.

TASC 2010-07 | Anchored VWAP Channel (Coles) — 28.6%

[...] WealthLab.Strategies { public class AnchoredVWAPChannel : WealthScript { private StrategyParameter _startBar; private StrategyParameter _barsToUpper; private StrategyParameter _barsToLower; public AnchoredVWAPChannel() { _startBar = CreateParameter( "Start Bar" ,2300,0,10000,5); _barsToUpper = CreateParameter( "Bars to Upper" ,23,0,200,1); _barsToLower = CreateParameter( "Bars to Lower" ,32,0,200,1); } protected override void Execute() { int startBar = _startBar.ValueInt; [...]

Semi-Cup Pattern Detection — 17.9%

[...] FailureBars Status For backtesting provides the ability to know the CupStatus for every bar between StartBar and BarInactive, inclusive. public Dictionary< int , CupStatus> Status Level() For detection purposes, SemiCups are divided into 6 levels (5 equal boxes), 0 to 5, inclusive. Level 0 is the base and Level 5 is the top of the SemiCup. After a SemiCup is detected, if price crosses Level 2, it is assumed a Cup pattern is forming and the SemiCup is frozen. For backtesting, the Level method provides the ability to return specific levels of a SemiCup formation [...]

Midas Indicator — 17.9%

Syntax public Midas( Bars ds, int startBar, string description) public static Midas Series( Bars ds, int startBar) Parameter Description ds The symbol's Bars object startBar The bar number at which Midas should start; generally a peak or trough. Description The Midas indicators from the September 2008 issue of Stocks & Commodities magazine. Midas is the cumulative Price * Volume [...]

UCI - Universal Cycle Index — 10.7%

[...] ); PlotSeries (dvsPane, hDVS, Color.Blue, LineStyle.Solid, 2); /* Trading System */ int startBar = ( int )Math.Round( Math.Max( 2 * DVS_PER, 1.5 * CYC_PER ) ); if ( startBar >= Bars .Count ) DrawLabel ( PricePane , "More bars required" , Color.Red ); double [...]

WealthScript Techniques | Relative Performance Chart — 10.7%

[...] = Bars .Symbol; List<DataSeries> rocList = new List<DataSeries>(); int StartBar = Math.Max( Bars .Count - 260, 0 ); foreach ( string ds in DataSetSymbols ) { DataSeries extClose = GetExternalSymbol ( DataSetSymbols [ DataSetSymbols .IndexOf(ds)], true ). Close ; rocList.Add( ( extClose - (extClose>>StartBar) [...]

TASC 2017-08 | Artificial Intelligence For System Development (D’Errico & Trombetta) — 7.1%

[...] []{barsAvgPrice,barsMedPrice,barsMedPrice2, barsMedBodyPrice,barsMedBodyPrice2,barsMedBodyPrice3}; int startBar = lookback.Max() + 1; var sfasatura = -paramGap.Value; for ( int bar = GetTradingLoopStartBar (startBar); [...]

TASC 2019-09 | A Simple Way To Trade Seasonality (Kaufman) — 7.1%

[...] paramYears.ValueInt; var firstYearWithValidData = Date [0].Year + howManyYearsToAverage; var startBar = DateTimeToBar ( new DateTime( firstYearWithValidData, 12, 31), false ); //3. Only trade if the high frequency is 75 % or greater and the low frequency is 25 % or lower. var thresholdHigh = paramThresholdHigh.ValueInt / 100d; var thresholdLow = paramThresholdLow.ValueInt / 100d; //Average annual price DataSeries avgYearlyPrice = AveragePrice.Series(BarScaleConverter.ToYearly( Bars )); //Average monthly prices (take AveragePrice or simply [...]

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