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This search, performed through 4.04 MB (775 documents, 11955 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 11 results.

TASC 2008-08 | Premier Stochastic Oscillator (Leibfarth) — 14.3%

[...] Target (L)" , 1.08, 1.01, 1.30, 0.01); paramSLLong = CreateParameter( "Stop Loss (L)" , 0.96, 0.85, 0.99, 0.01); paramPTShort = CreateParameter( "Profit Target (S)" , 0.92, 0.70, 0.99, [...]

WealthScript Techniques | Splitting a Position — 14.3%

[...] reward of 4) The following call accomplishes this: Position s = SplitPosition ( LastPosition , 49.99 ); SplitPosition returns a new Position object that contains the remaining shares. This new Position object is also added to the end of the Positions list. Conclusion This is a simple example of using SplitPosition. Managing multiple positions, especially when splitting them, can be tricky. But WealthScript provides to tools necessary to implement strategies that take partial profits, or split positions into multiple parts for any other reason. Code using [...]

99WallStreet fundamental provider — 14.3%

[...] RevenueEstimate, and RevenueSurprise . They are available in two forms: In a popup when mousing over an [99] eps item on a stock chart In WealthScript Strategoes via the GetDetail or FormatValue methods: Make sure you've collected the fundamental data before running this Strategy (Data Manager > "Update Data" tab > check "99WallStreet.com earnings releases" > go to "DataSets" tab > click "Update DataSet"). using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Drawing; using WealthLab; using WealthLab.Indicators; namespace WealthLab.Strategies { [...]

TASC 2015-03 | Kiss & Touch With The Modified True Range (Lindgren) — 7.1%

[...] protected override void Execute() { int period = paramPeriod.ValueInt; double Goal = 9.99; //Calcluate modified true range (MTR) [...]

TASC 2008-11 | Corona Charts (Ehlers) — 7.1%

[...] if ( maxAmpl ! = 0 && ah[n].A / maxAmpl > 0 ) ah[n].dB = 10 * Math.Log10( (1 - 0.99 * ah[n].A / maxAmpl) / 0.01 ); ah[n].dB [...]

TASC 2008-03 | Measuring Cycle Periods (Ehlers) — 7.1%

[...] ) { if ( maxAmpl ! = 0 && ah[n].A / maxAmpl > 0 ) ah[n].dB = 10 * Math.Log10( (1 - 0.99 * ah[n].A / maxAmpl) / 0.01 ); ah[n].dB [...]

Trade Graphs | Risk/Reward Ratio — 7.1%

[...] adjacent two red bins, -0.5 and 0, have comprised losing trades which risk/reward was ranging from -0.99:1 to -0.5:1 and from -0.49:1 to 0, respectively. [...]

Export2ASCII — 7.1%

[...] Description Exports data to ASCII comma-separated files. Sample data string: 07/31/2009,162.99,165,162.91,163.39,15090600 Example Example [...]

Correlation — 7.1%

[...] public class MyStrategy : WealthScript { protected override void Execute() { int Period = 99; CMO cmo = CMO.Series( Close ,20); RSI [...]

Position Options — 7.1%

[...] slippage as a percentage of size (e.g. 100% sizing - 0.05% slippage - 0.05% commission, so final size = 99.9%). Related option For last position, use [...]

Wealth-Lab 6 Open Issues — 7.1%

[...] Example: */ Position p = LastPosition ; // Position to split Position sp = SplitPosition (p, 49.99); // The new Position sp.Priority = p.Priority; [...]

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