Search Engine
Here you can search through the pages of this Namespace, their attachments and the files uploaded to the system.
Note: the results will only display the items you have permissions to read.
This search, performed through 3.85 MB (775 documents, 11907 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 1 results.
[...] entry1symbol = "Selected Symbol";
string entry2symbol = "IEF";
string entry3symbol = "GLD";
int numEntries = 3;
StrategyParameter entry1portion;
StrategyParameter entry2portion;
StrategyParameter entry3portion;
StrategyParameter holdingPeriod;
Tuple [] symInfos;
public RebalanceStrategy()
entry1portion = CreateParameter(entry1symbol + " portfolio percentage", 30, 0, 100, 5);
entry2portion = CreateParameter(entry2symbol + " portfolio percentage", 30, 0, 100, 5);
entry3portion = CreateParameter(entry3symbol [...]