Traders' Tip text
weekly & daily PPO (W&D PPO) oscillator by Vitali Apirine from February 2018 issue of Stocks & Commodities combines the two PPO oscillators (weekly and daily) on a daily chart.
Figure 1.
Application of the oscillators to a daily chart of ^RUT (Russell 2000).After updating our
TASCIndicators library to v2018.01 (or higher), the RelativeDailyPPO and WeeklyPPO indicators could be found under the TASC Magazine Indicators group. You can plot them on a chart or use as an entry or exit condition in a Rule-based Strategy without having to program a line of code yourself.
Enclosed C# Strategy code will help you plot the indicators on the chart:
C# Code
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using WealthLab;
using WealthLab.Indicators;
using TASCIndicators;
namespace WealthLab.Strategies
public class MyStrategy : WealthScript
private StrategyParameter paramDailyLength1;
private StrategyParameter paramDailyLength2;
private StrategyParameter paramWeeklyLength1;
private StrategyParameter paramWeeklyLength2;
public MyStrategy()
paramDailyLength1 = CreateParameter("Daily Length 1",12,2,300,20);
paramDailyLength2 = CreateParameter("Daily Length 2",26,2,300,20);
paramWeeklyLength1 = CreateParameter("Weekly Length 1",60,2,300,20);
paramWeeklyLength2 = CreateParameter("Weekly Length 2",130,2,300,20);
protected override void Execute()
var RDM = RelativeDailyPPO.Series(Close,paramDailyLength1.ValueInt,paramDailyLength2.ValueInt,
var WM = WeeklyPPO.Series(Close,paramWeeklyLength1.ValueInt,paramWeeklyLength2.ValueInt);
HideVolume(); LineStyle solid = LineStyle.Solid;
ChartPane paneWDPPO = CreatePane( 40,true,true );
PlotSeries( paneWDPPO,RDM,Color.FromArgb(255,0,100,0),LineStyle.Solid,2 );
PlotSeries( paneWDPPO,WM,Color.FromArgb(255,0,0,0),LineStyle.Solid,2 );
DrawHorzLine( paneWDPPO,0,Color.Blue,LineStyle.Solid,1 );
Eugene (Gene Geren)
Wealth-Lab team