Provider no longer receives updates since Feb 10, 2020. The historical data was still available as of that date.
Superseded by Wealth-Data Provider!
The most frequently used market sentiment data is now available through our
Wealth-Data provider - the advancing, declining and unchanged issues as well as new highs/lows for AMEX, NASDAQ and NYSE. Here are the symbols:
Symbol | Description |
$AMEX_ADVN | AMEX Advancing Issues |
$AMEX_DECLN | AMEX Declining Issues |
$AMEX_UNCHN | AMEX Unchanged Issues |
$NASDAQ_ADVN | NASDAQ Advancing Issues |
$NASDAQ_DECLN | NASDAQ Declining Issues |
$NASDAQ_UNCHN | NASDAQ Unchanged Issues |
$NYSE_ADVN | NYSE Advancing Issues |
$NYSE_DECLN | NYSE Declining Issues |
$NYSE_UNCHN | NYSE Unchanged Issues |
$AMEX_newhi | AMEX New Highs |
$AMEX_newlo | AMEX New Lows |
$NYSE_newhi | NYSE New Highs |
$NYSE_newlo | NYSE New Lows |
$NASDAQ_newhi | NASDAQ New Highs |
$NASDAQ_newlo | NASDAQ New Lows |
You can create a W-D DataSet right now by copying/pasting the symbols or shortly later by choosing them from Classification Groups:
![Market Breadth](GetFile.aspx?File=/MS123.Providers/WealthData_MarketSentiment.png) Market Breadth |
Paid alternatives:
What it was
This is a static provider that downloads daily historical
market sentiment data gracefully provided for free by
Unicorn Resarch corporation.
The following data items are available:
- NYSE Advancing Issues and Advancing Volume
- NYSE Declining Issues and Declining Volume
- NYSE Unchanged Issues and Unchanged Volume
- NYSE New 52-week Highs
- NYSE New 52-week Lows
- AMEX Advancing Issues and Advancing Volume
- AMEX Declining Issues and Declining Volume
- AMEX Unchanged Issues and Unchanged Volume
- AMEX New 52-week Highs
- AMEX New 52-week Lows
- NASDAQ Advancing Issues and Advancing Volume
- NASDAQ Declining Issues and Declining Volume
- NASDAQ Unchanged Issues and Unchanged Volume
- NASDAQ New 52-week Highs
- NASDAQ New 52-week Lows
Set up
![Select 'Market Sentiment' in the New DataSet Wizard](GetFile.aspx?File=/MS123.Providers/MktSent-1-Select.png) Select 'Market Sentiment' in the New DataSet Wizard |
![Select required symbol groups](GetFile.aspx?File=/MS123.Providers/MktSent-2-Symbols.png) Select required symbol groups |
At least one symbol should be selected before creating a DataSet. Note that the symbol names are fixed and can not be changed. The DataSet composition can't be changed after creation; if you want to modify it, simply create a new one and delete the old one.
The data only contain the closing prices. The volume is available for advancing, declining and unchanged issues:
![A chart of NYSE advancing issues and advancing volume](GetFile.aspx?File=/MS123.Providers/MktSent-3-Chart.png) A chart of NYSE advancing issues and advancing volume |
- Updates are available after 16:45 Pacific time.
- Until late 2009, Unicorn volume data was capped at 2,147,483,647 (integer number limit). This is an issue with Unicorn data and not with the Market Sentiment data provider.
- If you haven't downloaded market sentiment data before or your DataSet was updated 5 days ago or earlier, the provider will download the complete historical data. Otherwise, only the available updates will be downloaded to minimize bandwidth and increase the update speed.
- Here's an example of plotting McClellan Oscillator using data provided by "Market Sentiment" (code requires Community Indicators library 2010.10 and up):
- Unicorn Research collects the data from publicly-available sources and reports the median values found. For more details, see: