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TrendStrengthD Indicator Documentation


public TrendStrengthD(DataSeries ds, int periodStart, int periodEnd, int step, string description) public static TrendStrengthD Series(DataSeries ds, int periodStart, int periodEnd, int step)

Parameter Description

dsData series
periodStartBeginning SMA period
periodEndEnding SMA period
stepStep of SMAs


TrendStrengthD Indicator created by Jose Cruset.

Looks how trendy a series is by analyzing the rate of change of various SMAs. All SMAs from PeriodStart to PeriodEnd (in steps of the Step parameter) are used for this indicator. It works similar to the TrendStrengthC Indicator but takes into account how strong an SMA is rising. The idea behind: The stronger various SMAs are rising (or falling) the strengther is the trend of the price series. So, the indicator calculates the average %-rise per day of different SMAs and can have these values:

> 0 SMAs (on average) are rising
== 0SMAs (on average) neither rise nor fall
< 0SMAs (on average) are falling

A value of 0.1 indicates that the analyzed SMAs rise with an average value of 0.1% per day. Usually, values above 0.2 (below -0.2) indicate an up- (down-) trend whereas values in-between indicate a sideways market. The results depend on the period-range used for the SMAs. The broader the range (e.g. 20-200) the more significance does the indicator have.


Since the idea is similar to TrendStrengthB, please refer to that example.

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