VK Bands

Modified on 2009/03/10 14:14 by Eugene — Categorized as: Community Indicators

VK Bands: Indicator Documentation


DataSeries VK_SL_Band(DataSeries ds, int IntervalSize, int IntervalCount)
DataSeries VK_SH_Band(DataSeries ds, int IntervalSize, int IntervalCount)

Parameter Description

ds Data series
IntervalSize Size (in Bars) of each interval
IntervalCount Number of intervals to analyze


VK_SH_Band: Higher Band of the VK Bands from the February 2005 issue of Active Trader Magazine.
Looks back "IntervalCount" intervals, each "IntervalSize" bars long.
Finds the highest value of each interval and creates the simple moving average of these highest values.

VK_SL_Band: Lower Band of the VK Bands from the February 2005 issue of Active Trader Magazine.
Looks back "IntervalCount" intervals, each "IntervalSize" bars long.
Finds the lowest value of each interval and creates the simple moving average of these lowest values.


For an illustration of plotting and trading the VK Bands, download the "ActiveTrader 2005-03 | The VKW Bands system" from Wealth-Lab's "Open Strategy" dialog (click "Download").