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99WallStreet fundamental provider

PROVIDER USAGE IS NOT RECOMMENDED (see Issues and limitations below)
We recommend that you switch to a replacement provider: Zacks adjusted earnings data provider

This fundamental provider downloads free historical earnings data for U.S. stocks available from 99WallStreet website.

Part of MS123 Extra Fundamental/News Providers.

Sample chart annotations

Sample chart annotations

99WallStreet.com provides extended earnings data going back to 2009: date, EPS, EPS estimate, EPS surprise, revenue, revenue estimate, revenue surprise. Each dividend item comes with these extra details attached: CompanyName, EPSEstimate, EPSSurprise, Revenue, RevenueEstimate, and RevenueSurprise.

They are available in two forms:

  • In a popup when mousing over an [99] eps item on a stock chart
  • In WealthScript Strategoes via the GetDetail or FormatValue methods:

Make sure you've collected the fundamental data before running this Strategy (Data Manager > "Update Data" tab > check "99WallStreet.com earnings releases" > go to "DataSets" tab > click "Update DataSet").

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Drawing; using WealthLab; using WealthLab.Indicators;

namespace WealthLab.Strategies { public class MyStrategy : WealthScript { protected override void Execute() { // Illustrates how to handle 99WallStreet.com's extended EPS information with GetDetail const char tab = '\u0009'; string item = "99 eps"; IList fList = FundamentalDataItems(item); ClearDebug(); PrintDebug(Bars.Symbol + tab + "Item Count: " + fList.Count); foreach (FundamentalItem fi in fList) { PrintDebug( fi.Date.ToShortDateString() + tab + fi.Value.ToString() + tab + fi.GetDetail("CompanyName") + tab + fi.GetDetail("EPSEstimate") + tab + fi.GetDetail("EPSSurprise") + tab + fi.GetDetail("Revenue") + tab + fi.GetDetail("RevenueEstimate") + tab + fi.GetDetail("RevenueSurprise") + tab ); } } } }

Issues and limitations

  • As of May 2018, the data 99WallStreet has is very outdated (ends in early 2017). This is not Wealth-Lab provider's fault.

Important Disclaimer: The information provided by Wealth-Lab is strictly for informational purposes and is not to be construed as advice or solicitation to buy or sell any security.  The owner of Wealth-Lab.com assumes no liability resulting from the use of the material contained herein for investment purposes. By using this web site, you agree to the terms of this disclaimer and our Terms of Use.

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