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TASC 2014-06 | Slope Divergence: Capitalizing On Uncertainty (Kaufman)


Traders' Tip text

This WealthScript Strategy implements the simplified version of Perry J. Kaufman's triple-divergence trading system from June 2014 issue. Users have the control to turn the system into long-only, as well as to configure its sensitivity by triggering a trading signal after one, two or three divergences on the same bar.


Figure 1 illustrates the application of the system's rules on the Daily chart of QQQ. The lower pane shows the 5-, 8-, and 13-day linear regression slope of the recent close price.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using WealthLab;
using WealthLab.Indicators;

namespace WealthLab.Strategies { enum Side { Buy = 1, Sell = -1, NA = 0 } public class TASC201406_Kaufman : WealthScript { Side SingleDivergence( int bar, int period, int momperiod, DataSeries ps, DataSeries ms, out bool trendup, out bool trenddn, out int p, out int m ) { trendup = (ps[bar] > 0 && ms[bar] > 0); trenddn = (ps[bar] < 0 && ms[bar] < 0); p = ps[bar] >= 0 ? 1 : ps[bar] < 0 ? -1 : 0; m = ms[bar] >= 0 ? 1 : ms[bar] < 0 ? -1 : 0; return ( ps[bar] > 0 && ms[bar] < 0 ) ? Side.Buy : ( ps[bar] < 0 && ms[bar] > 0 ) ? Side.Sell : Side.NA; }

void Colorize( int bar, Side side ) { SetBackgroundColor( bar, Color.FromArgb(30, side == Side.Buy ? Color.Green : Color.Red ) ); } private StrategyParameter paramNumDiv; private StrategyParameter paramLongOnly; public TASC201406_Kaufman() { paramNumDiv = CreateParameter("Divergences", 1, 1, 3, 1); paramLongOnly = CreateParameter("Long Only", 0, 0, 1, 1); } protected override void Execute() { int momperiod = 10, entrynumber = paramNumDiv.ValueInt, dvgperiod1 = 5, dvgperiod2 = 8, dvgperiod3 = 13, maxdivergences = 3; bool longonly = (paramLongOnly.ValueInt == 0 ? false : true); LinearRegSlope lsp1 = LinearRegSlope.Series( Close,dvgperiod1 ); LinearRegSlope lsp2 = LinearRegSlope.Series( Close,dvgperiod2 ); LinearRegSlope lsp3 = LinearRegSlope.Series( Close,dvgperiod3 ); StochK fastK = StochK.Series(Bars,momperiod); LinearRegSlope lsm1 = LinearRegSlope.Series( fastK,dvgperiod1 ); LinearRegSlope lsm2 = LinearRegSlope.Series( fastK,dvgperiod2 ); LinearRegSlope lsm3 = LinearRegSlope.Series( fastK,dvgperiod3 ); ClearDebug(); HideVolume(); LineStyle ls = LineStyle.Solid; ChartPane lrspPane = CreatePane( 40,false,true ); PlotSeries( lrspPane, lsp1, Color.DarkGreen, ls, 1 ); PlotSeries( lrspPane, lsp2, Color.Blue, ls, 1 ); PlotSeries( lrspPane, lsp3, Color.Red, ls, 1 ); //ChartPane lrsmPane = CreatePane( 30,false,true ); //PlotSeries( lrsmPane, fastK, Color.Black, ls, 1 ); for(int bar = GetTradingLoopStartBar(Math.Max(momperiod,dvgperiod3)); bar < Bars.Count; bar++) { int nbuys = 0, nsells = 0, ps1 = 0, ps2 = 0, ps3 = 0, ms1 = 0, ms2 = 0, ms3 = 0, npriceslopeup = 0, npriceslopedown = 0, nmomslopeup = 0, nmomslopedown = 0; bool trend1up = false, trend2up = false, trend3up = false, trend1dn = false, trend2dn = false, trend3dn = false;

Side _d1 = SingleDivergence( bar, dvgperiod1, momperiod, lsp1, lsm1, out trend1up, out trend1dn, out ps1, out ms1 ); Side _d2 = SingleDivergence( bar, dvgperiod2, momperiod, lsp2, lsm2, out trend2up, out trend2dn, out ps2, out ms2 ); Side _d3 = SingleDivergence( bar, dvgperiod3, momperiod, lsp3, lsm3, out trend3up, out trend3dn, out ps3, out ms3 ); int d1 = (int)_d1; int d2 = (int)_d2; int d3 = (int)_d3; if( d1 > 0 ) nbuys += 1; if( d1 < 0 ) nsells += 1; if( d2 > 0 ) nbuys += 1; if( d2 < 0 ) nsells += 1; if( d3 > 0 ) nbuys += 1; if( d3 < 0 ) nsells += 1; if( ps1 > 0 ) npriceslopeup += 1; if( ps1 < 0 ) npriceslopedown += 1; if( ps2 > 0 ) npriceslopeup += 1; if( ps2 < 0 ) npriceslopedown += 1; if( ps3 > 0 ) npriceslopeup += 1; if( ps3 < 0 ) npriceslopedown += 1; if( ms1 > 0 ) nmomslopeup += 1; if( ms1 < 0 ) nmomslopedown += 1; if( ms2 > 0 ) nmomslopeup += 1; if( ms2 < 0 ) nmomslopedown += 1; if( ms3 > 0 ) nmomslopeup += 1; if( ms3 < 0 ) nmomslopedown += 1; if( nbuys >= entrynumber ) Colorize( bar, Side.Buy ); else if( nsells >= entrynumber ) Colorize( bar, Side.Sell ); if( false ) PrintDebug( "bar: " + bar + ", d1: " + d1 + ", d2: " + d2 + ", d3: " + d3 + ", nbuys: " + nbuys + ", nsells: " + nsells + ", npriceslopeup: " + npriceslopeup + ", npriceslopedown: " + npriceslopedown + ", nmomslopeup: " + nmomslopeup + ", nmomslopedown: " + nmomslopedown ); if (IsLastPositionActive) { Position p = LastPosition;

if( p.PositionType == PositionType.Long ) { if( nsells >= entrynumber) SellAtClose( bar, p, "revLong"); } else //if( p.PositionType == PositionType.Short ) { if( nbuys >= entrynumber) CoverAtClose( bar, p, "revShort"); } if( (npriceslopeup == maxdivergences && nmomslopeup == maxdivergences) || (npriceslopedown == maxdivergences && nmomslopedown == maxdivergences) ) { ExitAtMarket( bar+1, p, p.PositionType == PositionType.Long ? "xLall" : "xSall" ); } } else { if( nbuys >= entrynumber) BuyAtMarket(bar+1, "newBuy"); else if( nsells >= entrynumber && longonly == false) ShortAtMarket(bar+1, "newSell"); } } } } }

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