YCharts Fundamental Data for Securities and Economic Data

Modified on 2020/01/31 12:09 by Eugene — Categorized as: Providers

What is it

This is a fundamental data provider for Wealth-Lab version 6 and up that downloads free fundamental and economic data items from the YCharts web site.

The full set of data is available to YCharts paid subscribers only. Note: free trial may not qualify and you won't get any data. However, many fundamental items are downloadable for free even if you don't have a subscription. YCharts restricts free fundamental data to the last 2-3 years. Economic data is available to paid subscribers only.

Setting up

Firstly you need to enter your email address and password in the provider's tab in Data Manager (note: context sensitive!)

Enter username and password - YCharts paid plans only

Enter username and password - YCharts paid plans only

To start collecting 75+ fundamental items and 15+ economic data items provided by YCharts, check the provider's entries in Wealth-Lab's Data Manager tool (at the bottom of the "Update Data" tab). Now, Wealth-Lab will also collect fundamental data for all symbols and/or economic data after it finishes updating static data.

Provider supports data retrieval through the official Excel Addin API. Should the usual web downloads break you can paste in your Excel API Key (available in your Profile on YCharts website) and switch to the backup way.


Fundamental data downloads are available when you click "Update all data..." (and have at least one data provider selected from the list of installed provider) or when "Update DataSet" is selected.

Note: Fundamental items aren't collected when "Update DataSet (Pricing)" is selected.

Be patient while the provider is downloading the data. Although data downloads are multi-threaded, it could be a lengthy process for large portfolios. Since new fundamental data items become available every 3 months, it's recommended that you uncheck the provider's entry in the Data Manager for daily updates! If you fail to do it, you will quickly run out of the monthly quota (which is only 25MB for the cheapest plan). Alternatively, switch to the limited free download mode.

Economic data items are updated only when "Update all data..." was clicked. Downloading this data does not depend on selected data provider, as economic items are global by nature and don't belong to a symbol. Please be patient while the data is downloaded (may take a minute).

Available fundamental items

YCharts makes available up to 30 years worth of quarterly fundamental items for the U.S. securities. The complete list of the available fundamental items is included:

Items in strikethrough have been excluded due to a big consumption of the download quota. They can be easily reconstructed in Strategy code. In pseudo-code:

Wealth-Lab customers can request new items from YCharts extensive collection here: Forum support thread.

Fundamental items can be charted from the Fundamental Data dialog at any time by clicking the Fundamentals button in the Navigation or Function toolbars, from the Tools menu, a chart's right-click menu, or simply using the Ctrl+U shortcut.

Available economic items

On their website, YCharts provides hundreds of thousands of economic indicators (worldwide). Through this data provider it's possible to use only the core U.S. economic data items as they consume download quota:

Stock dividends

YCharts provides some extended data fields for dividend items: in addition to the Ex-Dividend date, you can make use of Declaration, Record and Payable dates, as well as Dividend Type. Each dividend item is associated with the ex-dividend date and comes with extra details attached: DeclarationDate, RecordDate, PayableDates, and DividendType. These are available in two forms:

Make sure you've collected the YCharts fundamental data before running this Strategy:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using WealthLab;
using WealthLab.Indicators;

namespace WealthLab.Strategies { public class MyStrategy : WealthScript { protected override void Execute() { // Illustrates how to handle YCharts's extended dividend information with GetDetail

const char tab = '\u0009'; string item = "[yc] dividend"; IList<FundamentalItem> fList = FundamentalDataItems(item); ClearDebug(); PrintDebug(Bars.Symbol + tab + "Item Count: " + fList.Count); foreach (FundamentalItem fi in fList) { PrintDebug( fi.Date.ToShortDateString() + tab + fi.Value.ToString() + tab + fi.GetDetail("DeclarationDate") + tab + fi.GetDetail("RecordDate") + tab + fi.GetDetail("PayableDate") + tab + fi.GetDetail("DividendType") + tab); }

} } }



Here are some screenshots of the provider at work:

Some of the available fundamental data items

Some of the available fundamental data items

Some of the available economic data items

Some of the available economic data items

Economic data items

Economic data items

Known issues