
Modified on 2008/05/03 09:00 by Administrator — Categorized as: Standard Indicators


public static Peak Series(DataSeries source, double reversalAmount, WealthLab.Indicators.PeakTroughMode mode)
public static double Value(int bar, DataSeries source, double reversalAmount, WealthLab.Indicators.PeakTroughMode mode)

Parameter Description

source The source DataSeries
reversalAmount How much of a percentage/point (see mode) decline is required to trigger a new Peak
mode WealthLab.Indicators.PeakTroughMode mode
public const WealthLab.Indicators.PeakTroughMode Value = 0
public const WealthLab.Indicators.PeakTroughMode Percent = 1


Returns the value of the last Peak that was identified for the specified Price Series as of the specified Bar. The Reversal parameter determines how much of a percentage (default) or point decline is required to trigger a new Peak. It typically requires a few bars of downward price movement to reach the Reversal level and qualify a new Peak. The Peak function never "looks ahead" in time, but always returns the Peak value as it would have been determined as of the specified bar. For this reason, the return value of the Peak function will lag, and report peaks a few bars later than they actually occurred in hindsight. This is intentional, and allows peak/trough detection to be used when back-testing trading systems.




Peaks are detected by looking for a percentage (default) or point reversal in the DataSeries greater than or equal to the reversal amount specified in the Reversal parameter. For example, if you specify a reversal value of 10, and prices make a new high of $100, a peak will be triggered at that bar as soon as prices move down to $90. The move down to $90 may take several bars. During these bars the Peak function will not return $100, but will instead return the value of the previous peak. This is because you would not have known that that $100 was an actual peak yet because the reversal level has not been met. The new Peak value of $100 is returned only after prices have reached the $90 level, the reversal level.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using WealthLab;
using WealthLab.Indicators;

namespace WealthLab.Strategies { public class MyStrategy : WealthScript { protected override void Execute() { // Draw the level of 7% Peaks on the chart PlotSeries( PricePane, Peak.Series( High, 7, PeakTroughMode.Percent ), Color.Red, LineStyle.Dots, 3 ); } } }