EhlersNET (Noise Elimination Technology)

Modified on 2020/10/31 07:07 by Eugene — Categorized as: TASCIndicators


public NET(DataSeries ds, int rsiLength, int netLength, string description)

public static NET Series(DataSeries ds, int rsiLength, int netLength)

Parameter Description

dsA DataSeries object
rsiLengthMyRSI Lookback period
netLengthNoise Elimination Technology lookback period


Featured in John Ehlers' article from December 2020 issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities magazine, the NET (Noise Elimination Technology) oscillator uses Kendall rank correlation helps reduce indicator noise in an RSI-like oscillator.


Please refer to TASC December 2020 issue, "Noise Elimination Technology (Ehlers)".